We Believe in Auburn and Love it!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Bryan and I carved our first pumpkin! WAR EAGLE!

Managing Life

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I know I haven't posted much of my thoughts lately. Life has been full and there is much my heart and mind are chewing on.

I am not by nature a disciplined person, I have never followed the same routine every morning (except for hitting snooze) or any day. I just go with the flow for each day. It is something I strive to improve in my life because I know I can't always do or not do based on my feelings. Recently as I read a friends blog, I began to think about the idea of being the "manager" of my home. I have never really looked at it from that perspective and as I thought about the Proverbs 31 woman, I realized that was exactally what she did. She organized and managed the household and provisions her husband provided. As I began praying through this and processing this we started a series at church on our finances and being good stewards of what God has given us. This past Sunday we discussed how each decision is a spritual decision and that we are not the owners of our things and money, we are simply the managers. So right now I am just praying through every part of my life and asking for God to show me how I can better manage each area, especially my time, money and my home.

Life in general is good for us. Fall is always full, especially this year with two of Bryan's brothers getting married. Admist the busyness though I am blessed and thankful to have so many wonderful people in my life that keep me busy.


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Bryan's youngest brother was married this weekend. We had the honor and privilege of sharing in their special day. Courtney is a precious friend not only of the Isbell family, but also of mine. Matthew and Courtney...we are so excited for ya'll. You are both so special and such a blessing to us! We pray God's blessings over you and your union! Thank you for allowing us to stand beside you!

Fall Fun!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Last week we headed out to the Pumpkin Patch with Beth, Buck and Peyton to take Peyton's six month pictures and just enjoy the wonderful fall weather!

Suggestions Please

Friday, October 3, 2008

The Carmichael Table: My favorite! 
The Farmhouse Table
The Farmhouse Chair

The Ladderback Chair: Bryan's pick

Curved Back Dining Chair (this also come in the white on the legs of the first table)...its my favorite but Bryan's least on the comfort level

I miss them...

Thursday, October 2, 2008

These boys bless me so much, and I miss them like crazy, get jealous when other people get to see them more...but love the smile on their face when I go to Alabama to see them!!!!
The countdown is on! We are leaving next Thursday night for Alabama for Matthew and Courtney's wedding...and I will get to see these precious boys!