Ministry Update!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

hey guys!

just posted a ministry update over at the ministry blog. we'd love for you to check it out and get up to date on all that's going on!

Bryan and Karen

there is also a link just over to the right. ----------->

Summer Fun

Monday, June 22, 2009

I apologize my delay in posting. Our first 4 weeks of summer of been busy.

Week 1: Family Vacation in Fort Morgan, AL. Great time with great family.

Weeks 2 and 3 : South East Asia: Kathmandu, Nepal: Amazing Children
Week 4: Karen started teaching summer school and Bryan started interning at the church

I promise to be more consistent and look forward to sharing more about our trip!

We're on our way!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Hey everyone!

Just sitting in the Chicago airport waiting on our flight to New Delhi. We have a new blog post over at the ministry website ( and we would love to have you follow along with our journey. we are going to try to post regularly while we're there.

Bryan and Karen


Friday, May 22, 2009

My first year of teaching is officially OVER. It's been a great year, however, I am glad for the break. Bryan and I are already in Alabama and will be headed to the beach tomorrow for a week of relaxing with my family. 9 days from now we will be on a plane headed to Nepal. We can't wait! It's going to be a great summer! A very full summer, but a great summer!

My PawPaw

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

3 Years Ago at our Wedding

My PawPaw passed away today at the young age of 91. Although he has had congestive heart failure for about a year (which is treatable) he was doing good, so it was a little unexpected. We did get to see him on Sunday so that was such a blessing to us.

He was such a neat man. He could talk your ear off (I do get it honestly). Just about any word you said to him would make him think of a war story and for the next several hours he would tell stories about his time in WWII and his travels while there. At 88 he was still swimming 7-10 laps in 30 minutes and was in the local paper for swimming 50 miles (over the course of several months). He was a very gracious and giving man. He loved to work with his hands and build bird houses. He loved my grandmother dearly and thought very highly of her. He was a great man and will be sorely missed. I'm glad to know that he lived such a full life. I'm glad to have been a part of his life and to have had the honor of knowing him.

Ministry blog

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

hey everybody (all 5 of you),

we've set up a new blog to document our adventure in Nepal this summer. you can find it at, or click here. feel free to put the link on your blog roll, as this will continue being the ministry blog even after the trip. we hope to be able to post while we're in Nepal, but from what Karen tells me, i shouldn't get my hopes up...oh well.

30 Days

Saturday, May 2, 2009

In thirty days...

We will be on a plane...headed half-way around the world...
To share hope with the most precious people...

I cannot wait...I have imagined this day for the last 5 years when I would get to return to these people I love so dearly and with the man I love so dearly. Its only 30 short days away.

Vegas Vacation

Friday, April 10, 2009

Sin City! We returned with money in our pockets and wonderings of why you would take your children on a "family vacation"???
A view of the strip our first night there (it was a little colder than I anticipated)

Andrew and Heather got the privilege of spending the week with us

Our shuttle ride from the airport to the hotel

Bryan's first winnings in the slots at the airport

Money, Money, Money, Money!

We're Back!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

I am so sorry guys for those of you who follow and still check our blog. Life has been crazy...and this time of year as I say "my brain hurts". We are officially on spring break! No students for 9 days! I hope to catch up on life over these last few months this week and on what has been going on in my heart! Here are some pics of the last few months!

Holding Vivian for the first time! She is so sweet and precious and her aunt K will buy her the CUTEST clothes!!! I went home to spend a weekend with Vivian and the boys and ended up driving back in the crazy snowstorm! It was great though to just spend time with the family!

Sweet Sweet Girl

Layne and Larra came and spent the afternoon hanging out at Jen's. While I believe they just wanted to see me; I know they came to hold the bundle of sweetness that is our Vivian

Bryan and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary on March 11. We bought filets from a local meat market(this is expensive for us!) and has a nice QUIET dinner at home.
I'm so honored to share life with you babe! Thanks for loving me! I can't wait for all that is to come!

Bryan turned 25! We had a surprise party for him, and although not pretty, a very delicious double layer chocolate cake with cream cheese icing in the middle. Sorry this was the only pic I took...lame I know!

A little Peek

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Our sweet Vivian is doing better. She is currently on the CPAP and off the ventilator and using less and less oxygen each day! They are hopefull she will get to go home early next week! She is a beautiful girl and I can't wait to see Davis and Tyler love on their new sister! Please keep Vivian and the Brewer family in your prayers!

Valentine Surprise

Saturday, February 14, 2009

This morning Vivian Kathleen was born at 9:10 a.m. weighing 8lbs and 20 in. long. She is currently in the NICU with an infection so please keep her in your prayers.

All Chopped Off

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Still took awhile

10 inches!

I chopped off ten inches today to donate to Locks of Love!

Sad Day

Friday, January 9, 2009

It is official...I was trying not to believe the rumors...Cottage Living is no more. I know many of you may not fully appreciate the void that this will leave in the world...however there is much sadness in my heart at the knowledge of no longer receiving one of my few superficial delights...ahh the search begins for a new magazine that will make this heart delighted one day a month over superficial and frivolous things. They better not mess with Target.